In this documentary,David Failler reflects on his journey against a life threatening illness, schizophrenia. This documentary was filmed in Harris Crystal Palace by Naomi Tshiayima and Miriam Gwokyalya. In this blog, we analyse our steps in producing a fine piece of work and our challenges and obstacles and how we overcame the them.
Wednesday, October 27
Friday, October 22
Wednesday, October 20
Use Of Statistics and Facts
Use of statistics and facts is very useful when producing a documentary. This informations informs the audience about the documentary however the facts and statics education the audience to gain a wider concept of the topic. In most documentaries, facts and statistics are always visible enough for the audience to read so that they can relate it to their own thoughts and feelings. They also add an effect to the documentary, as they get the audience more alert and more intrigued rather than showing interviews most of the time.
Tuesday, October 19
Actor Script
We are not going to have a script for our documentary because we feel that it would be more natural to be able to act it out without a script. In addition, having not a script minismises the chances of having a documentary that has just been read off from a book. So to be able to make the documentary run smoothly and to avoid unnecessary words like "umm", we are going to give the characters a concept and from their to be able to discuss it like they were in a conversation. We want the idea of realism to emerge in the documentary and in order to achieve that, we have to give our characters a concept they have knowledge of or have experienced.
Friday, October 15
Audience Opinions about documentaries
We decided our target audience would be teenagers and young adults, as we fell they would be interested in our particular genre and subject. However, the documentary could appeal to everyone as elderly people and families may also be interested in factual information and educational information.
Because of this, we gave out our questionnaires to fill in. We did this to gather as much information about our target audience as possible and to see what they would like in our documentary. By doing this, we are making sure our documentary is tailored around our target audience to ennsure it will be suitable and enjoyable for them.
This is the information we gathered from our research:
What is your gender?
Most of the people that we asked were females as we saw them the main gender audience for the subject of shizophrenia however this will produce bias answers.
What is your occupation?

The most popular job that are audience has is students because of the target audience is a young teenagers and above.
What style of music do you prefer?

By looking at these results it has helped us decide on the style of music that would feature in our documentary. So the most popular style was pop music however we decided that this would not suit the documentary.
What TV channel is your favourite?

This question is helped us to decide on what channel we would feature of documentary on, as the questionnaires were given to people in are target audience we were interested in what channel the like the best and watch the most as this would be the channel that we would use. And the most popular channel is channel 4 is perfect as it also fits in with the type of documentary that we are doing. However my partner thought that it would be different to feature it on ITV one
How often do you watch documentaries?

The question was to find out if our target audience enjoyed documentaries or even watched them at all. As we can see from the results most of the people asked ‘sometimes’ watch documentaries.
When would you most likely watch a documentary on TV?

To help us come up with a time to schedule our documentary this question informs us of what time are audience is most likely to watch a documentary. As they are most likely to watch a documentary between the times of 9pm- 10pm our documentary is going to be scheduled for 9 o’clock.
Would you prefer a male or female voice over?

The results lean more towards female voice over that is because the answers are bias but as of the subject we feel it would be appropriate to have a female voice as most of the audience that would watch the documentary would be female. However, in our documentary we decided to challenge this convention.
Would you like expert interviews included?

We were unsure as weather to add expert interviews into are documentary so the results of this question have decided for us. As the results give us no clear answer we are going to add them when appropriate for example when talking about symptoms and treatments of schizophrenia
Because of this, we gave out our questionnaires to fill in. We did this to gather as much information about our target audience as possible and to see what they would like in our documentary. By doing this, we are making sure our documentary is tailored around our target audience to ennsure it will be suitable and enjoyable for them.
This is the information we gathered from our research:
What is your gender?

Most of the people that we asked were females as we saw them the main gender audience for the subject of shizophrenia however this will produce bias answers.
What is your occupation?

The most popular job that are audience has is students because of the target audience is a young teenagers and above.
What style of music do you prefer?

By looking at these results it has helped us decide on the style of music that would feature in our documentary. So the most popular style was pop music however we decided that this would not suit the documentary.
What TV channel is your favourite?

This question is helped us to decide on what channel we would feature of documentary on, as the questionnaires were given to people in are target audience we were interested in what channel the like the best and watch the most as this would be the channel that we would use. And the most popular channel is channel 4 is perfect as it also fits in with the type of documentary that we are doing. However my partner thought that it would be different to feature it on ITV one
How often do you watch documentaries?

The question was to find out if our target audience enjoyed documentaries or even watched them at all. As we can see from the results most of the people asked ‘sometimes’ watch documentaries.
When would you most likely watch a documentary on TV?

To help us come up with a time to schedule our documentary this question informs us of what time are audience is most likely to watch a documentary. As they are most likely to watch a documentary between the times of 9pm- 10pm our documentary is going to be scheduled for 9 o’clock.
Would you prefer a male or female voice over?

The results lean more towards female voice over that is because the answers are bias but as of the subject we feel it would be appropriate to have a female voice as most of the audience that would watch the documentary would be female. However, in our documentary we decided to challenge this convention.
Would you like expert interviews included?

We were unsure as weather to add expert interviews into are documentary so the results of this question have decided for us. As the results give us no clear answer we are going to add them when appropriate for example when talking about symptoms and treatments of schizophrenia
Sunday, October 10
Questionnaire Of Documentaries
Name | Age | Gender | How many documentaries do you watch every month? | What channel do you watch most of the documentaries? | What type of documentaries do you like? |
Naomi Tshiyiama | 17 | Female | 0 | None | Sad documentaries |
Ashley Tinsletown | 19 | Male | Channel four | Documentaries that can change my life | |
Vanessa Blankwood | 17 | Female | 0 | None | Happy documentaries like my big fat wedding |
Paula Semakuula | 16 | Female | 2 | I would say channel five because of extraordinary people | I love documentaries that have an impact in my life |
Chris Kumbatya | 21 | Male | 2 | Channel five | Any type of documentaries |
Martin Bukenya | 22 | Male | 5 | ITV one especially special documentaries | I love documentaries that make me think twice about my own life |
Melissa Kizito | 16 | Female | 1 | Channel five | I don’t know |
Sasha Roxelle | 18 | Female | 4 | Mainly BBC one because they more influential | Extremely sad documentaries |
Adam Tamuzadde | 21 | Male | 3 | Channel five - extraordinary people | Documentaries that make me smile |
Friday, October 1
Research of schizophrenia
What is Schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia is mainly known as a ‘split personality’. This means that a person cannot extricate of what is real and what is not real so they lose touch of reality. They have mixed thoughts and perceptions and beliefs that other people would hold to be unreal. to be able to tell if someone is suffering from schizophrenia, they have to distinguish the symptoms from other psychological illnesses and then determine what type it is. The DSM is mainly used to give strategies of the classification of schizophrenia.
There are five categories for classifying schizophrenia:
•Disorganised: this varies from, bizarre behaviour to being flat affect (have no emotion)
•Catatonic: extreme motor activity for example saying a sentence over and over again
•Paranoid: mainly delusions and hallucinations. The most common is the delusion of grandeur or persecution.
•Undifferentiated: mixture of symptoms of the above categories but not main symptoms included
•Residual: previously suffered extreme symptoms but now they are mild.
There are two types of symptoms of schizophrenia. These are positive and negative symptoms.
Positive Symptoms:
vHallucinations: these are perceptions that occur outside the natural world. They can be visual, auditory, tactile or somatic. Auditory is the most common and its usually hearing voices that other don’t hear. These voices vary from someone persecuting them, threatening them to criticising everything they do. Visual hallucinations are the second common followed by somatic hallucinations for example insects eating the inside of the body.
vDelusions: these are beliefs, ideas that are thought of as real but are truly untrue. Delusions of persecution is the false belief that everyone is out there to get you. Delusions of reference is false belief that any random events has a significant pattern of events. Delusions of grandeur is the false belief that they have special power to over take the world for example God.
Negative Symptoms:
vAvolition: this is loss of energy as the person feels restless, tired, which results to loss of interest in life, no goal directed behaviour and unable to finish tasks given hand. For example in an office, the suffer may just sit down or rest in the chair the whole day without getting any of the work done leading to missing deadline but worst of all getting fired for not cooperating
vAbsence of emotion: this is known as flat affect and it’s a total absence of any emotion. People might respond to the suffer in a confused state as the surfer might not make any eye contact or be emotionless in any situation. This might take a toll on the person witnessing this as they might get dejected but also irritated especially in situation like a loss of close relative.
vAbsence of social functions: this is shown through poor social skills as the person may have low self esteem which means that its hard for them to get work, have friends and maintain relationships.
What Causes Schizophrenia
Researchers say that having a biological relative who has schizophrenia then its more likely that the person will develop the disorder however it doesn’t mean that this will always be the case. Combination of certain genes might make some people prone to developing schizophrenia but this doesn’t always means they will develop the symptoms.
Its based to believe that people with high excess levels of dopamine in the brain are more likely to have the condition. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that increases rate of firing at the synapse and makes communication between neurons easier and quicker. Antipsychotic drugs such as clozapine are sometimes used to treat the sufferers but they don’t take away the illness, they just reduce the symptoms so a person may lead a normal life.
Treatments Of Schizophrenia
Antipsychotic drugs: the most common drugs that doctors prescribe to their patients as they reduce both positive and negative symptoms. They are more effective than conventional drugs as they work less to reduce levels of dopamine but change levels of serotonin. However they have side effects such as nausea, weight gain, irregular heartbeat, constipation, dizziness, blurred vision.
Compared to conventional drugs which have severe side effects like severe muscle tremors, shuffling of feet, moving slowly, restlessness and tardive dyskinesia. Although, they are very effective however they have undesirable side effects which might put the person off so they might stop the medication. On the other hand they make a difference to the lives of the sufferers and their families nonetheless not everyone responds to drug treatment and also it does not treat the cause, it reduces the symptoms.
Token economy: when tokens are given out to appropriate behaviours and punishments served to inappropriate behaviours. If taken to extreme, basic things essential for life like water, food and water are used as rewards and they have proved to be really effective however this is breached in the human rights act.
Insight Therapy: This is when the therapist tries to help the person change their negative thinking into positive thinking. It’s a one to one therapy with the therapist trying to gain trust with the person so she may feel comfortable to talk about their thoughts.
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